Journal #4


Welcome to my fourth journal entry! I realize that I’m actually a day late with this entry because I did this on a Friday and I usually do my journals on Thursdays. I don’t want to start slacking with the journals because I enjoy giving back feedback on how I’m doing in this class every week. So far, my team and I have completed the outline for the memo, which I’m very glad about. Being able to give and receive feedback from my teammates while doing the outline helped a lot actually because it made the final product more detailed and also helped give me new perspectives on my writing. Our first draft is due this upcoming Monday, which is in three days. I’m excited to start working on it collaboratively with my team, because it gives us all an opportunity to make a better memo, while also doing less work per person because it’s split across the three of us. I recently looked at the class website and saw that this was the only major group assignment which was kind of a bummer because I’m actually starting to enjoy group work again. It’s very different from high school, which I’m very glad about. I understand that this class is about focusing on your own writing more than it is about groupwork, but I would’ve liked to see some groupwork as well, considering that our careers will be all about group work. There will most likely be more group work posts in the discussion board, but working on a major assignment just feels like we’re working together towards something greater. Regardless, I’m excited to see what happens with this memo assignment and the rest of the semester!

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